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A mobile app to collaboratively exercise with peers. Won best use of Google Cloud at Hack the North 2020++. Implemented many innovative features including preset guided workouts, 'party' functionality to exercise together with accountability, hands-free voice commands, etc.

Technology: Express, CockroachDB, Swift, Google Cloud API, Vonage API, IBM NLU API

Virtual Queue Manager

A website to manage store queues with many powerful features including intelligent store searching, store analytics tracking, real-time queue status monitoring, QR code validation, etc.

Technology: MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js


A JavaScript library to build forms with simple JSON strings. Allows for autosaving, draggability, and exporting/importing form data/structure.

Technology: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Express


A mobile app providing offline access to essential resources such as directions to local food banks and homeless shelters by using SMS technology. Built for the Google Developer Student Club Solutions Challenge 2020.

Technology: Flutter, Dart, Twilio, Python

Escape Room Game

An escape room style game where the player interacts with the environment using a 'grabbing' system to move around objects and escape the room!

Technology: Unreal Engine, C++

Match My Style

A website that uses clothes from your personal wardrobe to identify your 'style' and intelligently filters brand catalogs by 'matching' your style.

Technology: React, Firebase, Cloud Firestore, Google Cloud Vision, Jupyter Notebook

Spotify API Clone

A REST API for a Spotify-like music application. Supports many features such as creating/deleting profiles/songs, following/friending other profiles, and adding songs to a playlist. Also supports querying songs by properties. Uses microservices for extensibility. The images show a preview of the two databases.

Technology: Java, Spring Boot, MongoDB, Neo4j

J.O.S.H. Jump

A game inspired by Gravity Guy where the player interacts with a pixelated environment by togging the direction of gravity. The objective is to avoid obstacles and reach the end of the level as fast as possible.

Technology: Altera DE2 Board, Verilog